My off-season column, cleverly retitled Friday Monthly Tight End, has just been posted on their website; you can link to it here. It's really an overview, because there wasn't space to get too specific about each issue, but it does focus primarily on the Philadelphia Eagles and their new coach, Chip Kelly from the University of Oregon, and the Kansas City Chiefs and their new coach, Andy Reid, late of the Eagles. There's a certain ouroborous-like logic to that which I like.
There is also a passage where I use a few coaches names in the plural, indicating they are examples of a trend, but the plurals (eg: Sabans, Davises) have been changed to possessives (Saban's, Davis') by forces beyond my control. The curmudgeon in me, fuelled by years of diagramming sentences in elementary school (we didn't call them grammar schools for nothing!). Nowaday's it appear's their are few things left sacredized. Writing that sentence just made me feel better!
And of course, the error has already been corrected on
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