It's 1938, and
Dieter, having been injured seriously in a crash, is a celebrity and
has been sent to Japan to gather information about Japan's aerial
strength. He meets Keiko, the sister of a Japanese flyer, who is able
to nurse his cracked bones back to health. Meanwhile Tam is in
Czechoslovakia with the wife of a Jewish Czech refugee, trying to
gauge how strong the push back against a German advance might be.
Graham Hurley is one
of Britain's most under-appreciated thriller writers. His series of
Faraday and Winter were as good as any of the British lonely
detectives, helped by the uneasy balance of the two main characters,
and their picture of Portsmouth depended on Hurley's pin-point
characterisation, built on an empathic understanding of even the
worst of them. Now he's turned his hand to thriller set around World
War II, of which Estocada is the third, which provides him with more
chances to challenge that ability to define venal characters, and to
explore their ambiguities. His portrayals of Goering, Ribbentrop and Hitler himself catch edges of each man that aren't typical, but bring them to life in a completely non-mythic way.
The plot, of course,
brings Dieter and Tam together, in Berlin , still in 1938 but with
war on everyone's minds. But in Estocada (a word Dieter picked up in
Spain, meaning the matador's death-strike on the bull) the focus is
the way this impending conflict affects the lives of those involved.
Not just our dual protagonists, but their friends, the victims they
encounter, and especially those they love.
Behind the usual
tense questions and rushes against time you'd expect from a thriller,
and the dangerous spy turf of Nazi Germany, the heart of this book is
the question of just how committed one can be, how necessary it may
be to have something more powerful than oneself in which to belief
and for which to live and die. Like many of Hurley's novels,
regardless of their milieu, this is a book about compassion and human
values. As such it gets beneath the usual tropes of his latest genre,
and is an engrossing read.
Estocada by Graham
Head Of Zeus, £18.99, ISBN 9781784977894
Head Of Zeus, £18.99, ISBN 9781784977894
note: this review will also appear at Crime Time (www.crimetime.co.uk)
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